Alvah Scott Elementary Home


We will support each child’s educational journey by providing opportunities for success.

We envision the students of Alvah Scott Elementary School as responsible, productive citizens who will become life-long learners.

Latest News

Grade 1 Project Based Learning Featured Photo

Grade 1 Project Based Learning

Please Malama our Sea Turtles and Monk Seals. This is the first graders PBL for the school year. This video is a wrap up of the entire project and we hope you learn from this information about these most precious species.
Alvah Scott Curriculum Fair Featured Photo

Alvah Scott Curriculum Fair

Join us from May 6th through May 10 from 2:10pm to 3:30pm to discover Project Based Learning through student-led projects. This will take place in our school library. We hope to see you there!
Congratulations Video Club Featured Photo

Congratulations Video Club

Congratulations to our 2024 Olelo Youth Xchange student finalists, Leo, Kiryn, Ezekiel and Mathieu. (Missing: Kellyann) They enjoyed a delicious brunch buffet at the Hilton Hawaiian Village. Thank you everyone for your support!

Upcoming Events

Meet and Greet

Time: 4 PM – 6 PM
Location: Alvah Scott School

About Us

About Us Image
At Alvah Scott Elementary School, we believe that all children can become critical thinkers and responsible citizens through partnership between home and school.