K Sato » Copy of Welcome to my WebPage!

Copy of Welcome to my WebPage!

Hello from Ms. Kris:
Here is a Weekly Schedule I would like you all to try and follow to the best of your ability.  Also, go into iReady each day for 30 minutes, and IXL each day for 30 minutes.  Remember the more we practice, the better we become!  I miss you all!
  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
-Read for at least 20 minutes, a selection of your choice.
-According to what you have already read would you recommend this book. Why?  Why not?
-Read for at least 20 minutes, a selection of your choice.
-Write a heading for the section that you read.
--Read for at least 20 minutes, a selection of your choice.
-Predict what the main character may do next.
-Read for at least 20 minutes, a selection of your choice.
-Pretend you are interviewing one of the characters. What 2 questions would you ask them and what would be their response.
-Read for at least 20 minutes, a selection of your choice.
-Write a postcard message to your teacher describing how youʻve been spending your day.
-You are asked to evacuate to another planet during this COVID-19 pandemic. Where would you go? What would you pack?
-Imagine your parent asks you to clean your room while he or she leaves you to shop. Write a short story about why you were unable to clean your room.
-Write your opinion about what streaming application you like better; Disney+, Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime or one of your choice.
-Think about a special object you own. It can be something that was given to you by someone or something that reminds you of a special memory.
-Write a paragraph about this item explaining why it is so special to you.
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