Mrs. J Kosaki » Week of 9/18/23-9/21/23

Week of 9/18/23-9/21/23

Hello Room 11 Ohana!
This week will be a short, but busy week!  Friday, September 22nd is a Waiver Day and there will be no school for students. 
Last week, we had a Choose Aloha school assembly with Aunty Dawn O'Brien and Kaleo Pilanka!  We are incorporating Choose Love and Choose Aloha into our curriculum this year.  This quarter, we will be focusing on COURAGE as our Choose Love theme.  Our class has been doing weekly Choose Aloha lessons and are trying to use the Choose Love "language" in our every day activities. 
PEACE DAY is on Thursday, September 21st.  Our school will be doing a school wide activity to spread the message of peace throughout the world. 
We will be starting Hawaiian Studies with Kumu Kinimaka this week!  We can't wait to meet her!
We will also be visiting the Library this week Wednesday. Please return all books by Wednesday, if you have not done so already.  Our scheduled Library day is every other Friday; but this week, we will visit the Library on Wednesday because of the Waiver Day on Friday. 
Our Zippy's Fundraiser ends on Tuesday, September 19th!  Please turn in all monies by the 19th to be eligible for prizes!  Thank you so much for supporting our school! 
Let's have another wonderful week families!  Let's keep our lines of communication open as always.  Thank you so much for your support!
Mrs. Kosaki
Here's what's happening this week:
-Quarter 1 theme: Courage
-Wonders Reading--Unit 1 Week 4 ("Let's Be Friends")
-GoMath Chapter 4 (more Addition)-We will skip Chapters 2,3 and revisit them later.
-Science: "Introduction to Sound"
-Choose Aloha:  "Courage"
-Zippy's Fundraiser money due on Tuesday, September 19th!  
-Library on Wednesday.  Please return books by Wednesday.
-Peace Day on Thursday, September 21st.
-Hawaiian Studies 
-P.E. this week:  Wednesday, September 20th.   Please wear shoes.
Weekly Reminders:
-Please send a labeled water bottle with your child daily.  It gets very hot in the day.
-Please check your child's Homework Folders and Planners (sign please) nightly. Bring these back to school daily.
-Thank you for placing your YELLOW name sign in your window as you are driving up to pick up your child.  This greatly helps with pick up. 
Looking Ahead:
-Waiver Day-Friday, September 22nd. (No school for students)
-PE days for September: 7, 12, 15, 20, 26, 29.