Mrs. J Kosaki » Week of 2/13/24-2/16/24

Week of 2/13/24-2/16/24

Hello Room 11 Ohana,
I hope you all had an exciting Chinese New Year and Superbowl Sunday weekend! 
This week will be a short but busy week!  On Tuesday, the first graders will welcome Ms Jennifer from Malama i na Honu. She will come to speak to our first graders about Hawaiian honu (sea turtles) and monk seal conservation. We will be using her presentation to launch our grade level project on educating ourselves and the public about saving our precious endangered Hawaiian ocean animals. We are very excited to meet Ms. Jennifer!
On Friday, we have the Princeton High School jazz band from New Jersey coming to perform for us! What an exciting week!
Wednesday is Valentine's Day! If you are planning to bring in valentine's, we now have 20 children in our class! Welcome to Darren (DJ), who just joined our class last week!  We are so happy to have a new friend!
Just a suggestion.... if you are planning to write names on treats/cards, it would make passing out treats must faster if your child just signs his/her name on the treat, instead of writing out each friend's name. Thank you so much for your support! 
Let's have another wonderful week families!  Let's keep our lines of communication open as always.  Thank you so much for your support!
Mrs. Kosaki
Here's what's happening this week:
-Quarter 3 Choose Aloha theme: "Forgiveness"
-"Special Friend" this week:  ELI
-Tuesday--Malama i na Honu presentation to our first graders.
-Continue Wonders Unit 4 week 3
-NO new Spelling words this week 
-GoMath: Chapter 16 (Time)
-Valentine's Day
-President's Day unit
-Library on Friday (Please return books)
-P.E. this week: Thursday, Feb. 15th. Please wear covered shoes.
Weekly Reminders:
-Please send a labeled water bottle with your child daily.  It gets very hot in the day.
-Please check your child's Homework Folders and Planners (sign please) nightly. Bring these back to school daily.
-Thank you for placing your YELLOW name sign in your window as you are driving up to pick up your child.  This greatly helps with pick up. 
Looking Ahead:
-PE days for February: 6, 9, 15, 22, 27
-February Book-It is due by February 29, 2024.
-President's Day Holiday-Monday, February 19 (no school)
-BOOK FAIR--2/28, 2/29, 3/1