Mrs. J Kosaki » Week of 3/25/24-3/28/24

Week of 3/25/24-3/28/24

Hello Room 11 Ohana!
Welcome back to school! I hope you all had a FUN, EXCITING and RELAXING Spring Break and are ready to move full steam ahead with the 4th and final quarter of our school year.  Are you trimming your Leprechaun's hair? :) :)
This week will be a short week, with Kuhio Day Holiday on Tuesday and Good Friday on Friday. 
We have many exciting things happening this quarter, including the publishing of our class book!  Our work has been mailed to the publishing company and we should get them back in about 4 weeks! We will have a book publishing party when our books arrive!  
This quarter, we will be going on a FIELD TRIP to a Honolulu Theater for Youth play titled "The Great Race: Story of the Chinese Zodiac".  Our field trip will be on May 14th and I do need one chaperone. If you would like to help chaperone our field trip, please let me know either through Class Dojo or in your child's Planner.. I will confirm with you. Thank you for our support! 
We will be sending home permission forms in the next couple of weeks.  We are very fortunate that this field trip will be FREE for our children and chaperones.  Our principal, Mr. Olk, has been so kind to fund one of our field trips this year! Thank you so much Mr. Olk! 
This quarter, I told the children that our Spelling Tests will have an extra #11! I will give them a sentence to write and they must have their capitals, spaces and end punctuation marks. We got this! 
This quarter, we will have Math Speed Drills!  Each week, I will be giving the children a page of Math facts to complete (we will start with +0, +1, +2 facts etc..) so they get very comfortable with their facts for the second grade!  They will have 3 minutes to complete the page. No need to study, but I will be sending home the corrected Speed Drill papers so you can review or practice with your child. Repetition is very important. 
Due to our short week, we will finish up our Wonders Unit 5 Week 2 and there will be NO new Spelling words this week. 
Let's have another wonderful week families!  Let's keep our lines of communication open as always.  Thank you so much for your support!
Mrs. Kosaki
Here's what's happening this week:
-Quarter 4 Choose Aloha theme: "Compassion In Action"
-"Special Friend" this week:  AIVERSYN
-CONTINUE Wonders Unit 5 week 2 ("Up In The Sky") and Test
-NO new Spelling words this week 
-Writing: Animal Research 
-GoMath: Chapter 8.
-CONTINUE Science: Animal Traits and Biomimicry.
-P.E. this week: Wednesday, March 27th. Please wear covered shoes.
Weekly Reminders:
-Please send a labeled water bottle with your child daily.  It gets very hot in the day.
-Please check your child's Homework Folders and Planners (sign please) nightly. Bring these back to school daily.
-Thank you for placing your YELLOW name sign in your window as you are driving up to pick up your child.  This greatly helps with pick up. 
Looking Ahead:
-PE days for March: 1, 8, 13, 27
-Library on April 5, 19 (please return books before then)
-Report Cards will be sent home of April 9th.
-Field Trip to Honolulu Theater for Youth Play on May 14th.