Mrs. J Kosaki » Week of 10/2/23-10/6/23

Week of 10/2/23-10/6/23

Hello Room 11 Ohana!
It's October and the last week before Fall Break (Oct. 9th-13th)! We have a lot going on this month, so please check Class Dojo and your child's planners daily.  There is a bunch of information in our September bulletin that was just sent home last week as well.  Thank you! 
Last week Friday, we completed our Science unit on sound. To culminate our unit, we enjoyed watching a lesson on "sound effects" and how artists create sounds for movies and cartoons! We tried our hand at creating sounds for different videos....we were good at it!  Maybe we have some future sound effect artists in our class!  We took our test on "sound" as well.
This week before Fall Break, we will begin Spelling.  Each week, I will give your child 10 new Spelling words which coincides with our Wonders unit.  On Mondays, your child will write each word 3 times for Homework. Tuesday's Homework will be to write 1 sentence for each word.  TEST on Fridays!  We have been practicing how to write "good" sentences and we will continue to practice this week.  Please refer to the inside cover of your child's Spelling tablet for information. :)
On Monday, October 2nd, I will be sending home your Parent/Teacher Conference confirmation date/time.  Please sign and return the green form by Friday, October 6th. Thank you.
Pizza Hut Book-It Program will begin this week!  Each year, Pizza Hut puts on a reading program from October-March.  Each class sets a monthly reading goal and if the goal is met, the children who meet their goal, will receive a FREE PERSONAL PAN PIZZA from Pizza Hut!  Our class will be participating.
On Monday, I will send home a "Personal Reading Log" with your child.  Our goal is for each child to read at least 15 books each month.  Please write down each book that your child reads, either by themselves or if you read it to them. (Library books, personal books, assigned stories in our Wonders readers can be used!).  Please turn in your Reading Log by October 31st!  You may read and log down more than 15 books, but only 1 pizza can be awarded.  The goal is to motivate our children to read, read, read!  We will be keeping track on a chart in class. If your child meets his/her goal for all 6 months of the program, they will be an All Star Reader!  Let's all go for it! 
Move 1 Million!  If your child tells you that we do 4 minutes of exercise in class each day, they are correct!  Our school is participating in M1M or Move 1 Million.  Each day, we watch a video and do a short exercise routine with Chris Powell and millions of others around the country. The purpose is to energize our bodies and minds so that we can have a productive day.  At the end of each exercise routine, there is a short 2 minute relaxation/mindfulness segment which will relax or bodies and minds. 
Kids Heart Challenge! Our P.E teacher Mr. Hathaway would like everyone to have a healthy and happy heart! Please register at or by downloading the FREE AHA Scools App. for Apple or Android. Participation is optional.  Students who register early will receive a wristband and will be recognized at our school assembly on October 17th!
Let's have another wonderful week families!  Let's keep our lines of communication open as always.  Thank you so much for your support!
Mrs. Kosaki
Here's what's happening this week:
-Quarter 1 theme: Courage
-Wonders Reading--Unit 2 Week 1 ("Jobs Around Town")
-GoMath Chapter 5 (Subtraction) (we took our Chapter 4 test last Friday)
-Social Studies-Aloha Week unit
-Library on MONDAY! (Please return books) Our regular library day is on Friday, but this week we will go on Monday 10/2/23.
-Wonders High Frequency word test on Tuesday, Oct. 3rd. (list was sent home last week)
-Hawaiian Studies with Kumu Kinimaka on Friday.
-Spelling TEST on Friday.
-Parent/Teacher Conference confirmation forms sent home 10/2.  Please sign and return by 10/6.
-Vision Screening forms due 10/6.
-Pizza Hut Book-It program begins! 
-Choose Aloha:  "Courage"
-CONGRATULATIONS  to ETHAN and ZOE! They are our Star Students for the month of August. Great job!!!
-Zippy's fundaiser tickets sent home--Tuesday, Oct. 3
-P.E. this week:  Wednesday, October 4th.  Please wear shoes.
Weekly Reminders:
-Please send a labeled water bottle with your child daily.  It gets very hot in the day.
-Please check your child's Homework Folders and Planners (sign please) nightly. Bring these back to school daily.
-Thank you for placing your YELLOW name sign in your window as you are driving up to pick up your child.  This greatly helps with pick up. 
Looking Ahead:
-Fall Break-October 9-13
-MOVIE NIGHT on October 20th!
-Parent/Teacher Conferences-October 23rd-November 2nd. (no conferences on Wednesdays)
-Grades 1 and 2 Parent Coffee Hour with Principal Olk--Monday, October 23 at 8:15am in the Library.
-Grade 1 Vision Screening on October 23rd.
-PE days for October: 4, 16, 20, 26. 
-Sprit week-10/30-11/3. More info to follow
-Halloween Parade-10/31.  More info to follow