Mrs. J Kosaki » Week of 1/29/24-2/2/2/24

Week of 1/29/24-2/2/2/24

Hello Room 11 Ohana! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!  This week we will say goodbye to January and hello to the Year of the Dragon! We have a short but busy month ahead....this year is Leap Year! 
This week Friday, February 2nd is a Complex Waiver Day and there will be NO SCHOOL for students. It is also Groundhog day! :)
Thank you for returning your report card envelopes and student binders so promptly! Please return them this week if you have not done so. Thank you!
Let's have another wonderful week families!  Let's keep our lines of communication open as always.  Thank you so much for your support!
Mrs. Kosaki
Here's what's happening this week:
-Quarter 3 Choose Aloha theme: "Forgiveness"
-"Special Friend" this week:  ZYRUS
-Wonders Unit 4 Week 2 ("Animals Together")
-New Spelling words this week
-GoMath: Chapter 15 ("Measurement") 
-Science: "Animals Help Their Babies Survive"
-LIBRARY on Monday.  Please return books.
-Groundhog Day (Feb. 2nd)
-Waiver Day on Friday, Feb. 2nd-NO SCHOOL 
-P.E. this week: Wednesday, January 31st. Please wear covered shoes.
Weekly Reminders:
-Please send a labeled water bottle with your child daily.  It gets very hot in the day.
-Please check your child's Homework Folders and Planners (sign please) nightly. Bring these back to school daily.
-Thank you for placing your YELLOW name sign in your window as you are driving up to pick up your child.  This greatly helps with pick up. 
Looking Ahead:
-PE days for January: 8, 11, 17, 23, 26, 31
-January Book-It is due by January 31, 2024.
-Teacher Institute Day-Monday, February 12 (no school)
-President's Day Holiday-Monday, February 19 (no school)