Mrs. J Kosaki » Week of 2/26/24-3/1/24

Week of 2/26/24-3/1/24

Hello Room 11 Ohana!
Wow is it the end of February already? Time sure flies by as we head into the last week of February! 
This week will be another busy week!  Besides starting a new Math Chapter and working on our Malama Na Honu project, we will also visit the Book Fair, the Scott School Store, and celebrate Read Across America Day on March 2nd! We are working so hard and becoming responsible for our own learning.
I am also very pleased with our writing...we now know how to write a topic sentence, facts/details and a conclusion using a Bubble Map!  Great job boys and girls! 
It's Book Fair week!  Our Alvah Scott Book Fair will be held in the library on February 28th, 29th and March 1st!  Our class will visit the Book Fair on Thursday during the school day. If you would like your child to browse and purchase books with the class, please send cash in a ziplock bag, labeled with your child's name.  There will be many helpers to assist your child choose books. The book fair will be open after school hours as well, from 2:10-3:00 on those 3 days, and parents are welcome to visit the fair with their child! (Credit cards may be used if you visit with your child).  There will be a great selection of books to choose from! 
Malama Na Honu and Sea Turtles-A letter was sent home last week regarding our first grade project on trying to protect our endangered monk seals and threatened sea turtles!  One idea the children came up with was to pick up trash at the beach!  If your family is able to do a simple beach clean up, you are helping to protect our seals and honu!  Please remember that this is totally optional; but, if you are able to pick up trash at the beach, we would appreciate it if you could send in a few pictures (through Class Dojo) of your child/family!  Please Dojo me your pictures by March 25. We will be making a collage for our class. Thank you for your support, the children are very excited! 
Yearbook Orders are due on Monday, February 26th.  Order forms were sent home last week.  You can either pay online or you can send in payment to school in the envelope provided.  Yearbooks are a great keepsake to remember your child's school year. 
Let's have another wonderful week families!  Let's keep our lines of communication open as always.  Thank you so much for your support!
Mrs. Kosaki
Here's what's happening this week:
-Quarter 3 Choose Aloha theme: "Forgiveness"
-"Special Friend" this week:  KAIMANI
-Year Book money due on 2/26
-Wonders Unit 4 week 5 ("Working With Animals")
-New Spelling words this week 
-GoMath: Chapter 17 (Graphing)
-Science: Animal Traits
-Read Across America Day! (March 2)
-GIRL'S DAY! (March 3rd)
-Visit BOOK FAIR on Thursday
-February Book-It due on Thursday
-School Store on Friday
-Malama Na Honu (we will continue to work on our project to save our monk seals and honu)
-P.E. this week: Tuesday, Feb. 27, Friday 3/1 Please wear covered shoes.
Weekly Reminders:
-Please send a labeled water bottle with your child daily.  It gets very hot in the day.
-Please check your child's Homework Folders and Planners (sign please) nightly. Bring these back to school daily.
-Thank you for placing your YELLOW name sign in your window as you are driving up to pick up your child.  This greatly helps with pick up. 
Looking Ahead:
-PE days for March: 1, 8, 13, 27
-PTO Fundraiser ends on March 4th
-PTO Dance on March 8
-Spring Break-March 18-22